Results for 'Elliot D. Engel'

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  1.  75
    The Wizard of Boz.Elliot D. Engel - 1977 - The Chesterton Review 3 (2):211-229.
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    Counseling ethics for the 21st century: a case-based guide to virtuous practice.Elliot D. Cohen - 2018 - Los Angeles: SAGE. Edited by Gale Spieler Cohen.
    Counseling Ethics for the 21st Century prepares students to address ethical issues arising in contemporary counseling practice. Drawing on their own clinical and practical experiences, authors Elliot D. Cohen and Gale Spieler Cohen present detailed, realistic, and engaging clinical case studies along with a comprehensive five-step model that can be used to manage the complex ethical problems raised throughout the book. Each chapter focuses on particular virtues in the context of examining a particular counseling issue, including online counseling, digital (...)
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    What is an Emotion?Elliot D. Cohen - 2021 - International Journal of Applied Philosophy 35 (2):171-181.
    This paper distinguishes between two types of emotion: “bottom-up” largely “prewired” or conditioned responses to environmental stimuli and “top-down” “evaluative” emotions that are a function of a person’s evaluative inferences and use of “emotive” language. The paper, in turn, develops an analysis of the latter type of emotion and formulates a definition that tracks three interrelated levels of activity transpiring during an emotional episode: logico-linguistic, phenomenological, and neurological. In the light of this analysis, it shows how Logic-Based Therapy, a prominent (...)
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  4.  25
    Philosophy with Teeth.Elliot D. Cohen - 2004 - International Journal of Philosophical Practice 2 (2):1-9.
    The American Society for Philosophy, Counseling, and Psychotherapy (ASPCP) was founded on the premise that philosophical and psychological practices are interdependent and mutually supportive. While psychological practice can benefit from becoming more philosophical, the converse is also true. In contrast, the American Philosophical Practitioner’s Association, under the direction of Louis Marinoff, has driven a wedge between these two practices. In this paper, I show how philosophical therapies such as my own Log­ic-Based modality, and psychological therapies, especially Rational-Emotional Behavior Therapy (REBT) (...)
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    Pure legal advocates and moral agents revisited: A reply to memory and rose.Elliot D. Cohen - 2002 - Criminal Justice Ethics 21 (1):39-55.
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    Absolute Nonsense.Elliot D. Cohen - 2005 - International Journal of Philosophical Practice 2 (4):10-19.
    This paper shows how Logic-Based Therapy can constructively employ philosophical theories (such as those of Augustine, Aquinas, Spinoza, Hume, and Epictetus) as potent antidotes to the fallacy of Demanding Perfection.
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  7. Lethal Sex.Elliot D. Cohen - 2003 - International Journal of Applied Philosophy 17 (2):253-265.
    Confidentiality in psychological counseling is necessary if clients are to feel comfortable in revealing their darkest secrets. But this bond of trust has its moral limits. These limits are crossed in some cases in which HIV positive clients are sexually active with unsuspecting third parties. Distinguishing between Type 1 and Type 2 cases, the author shows how he has used applied ethics in drafting and defending a model rule for the American Counseling Association’s Code of Ethics that permits, and sometimes (...)
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    Editor’s Preface.Elliot D. Cohen - 2014 - International Journal of Philosophical Practice 3 (2):1-1.
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    Permitting Suicide in Philosophical Counseling.Elliot D. Cohen - 2001 - International Journal of Philosophical Practice 1 (1):65-79.
    This paper introduces and examines the concept of permitted suicide in the context of philosophical counseling. It argues that clients suffering from serious, irremediable physical illnesses, such as Lou Gehrigs, multiple sclerosis, cancer, and HIV, should be free to philosophically explore the option of suicide with their philosophical counselors without undue fear of paternalistic intervention to thwart a rational suicide decision. Legal liability, professional duties, and qualifications of philosophical counselors who counsel such clients are explored. It is argued that, within (...)
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  10. Logic, Rationality and Counseling.Elliot D. Cohen - 1990 - International Journal of Applied Philosophy 5 (1):43-49.
  11.  10
    Aids: Crisis in Professional Ethics.Elliot D. Cohen - 1994 - Temple University Press.
    --Do patients have the right to know their physician's HIV status?-Can a dentist refuse treatment to an HIV-positive patient?-How do educators determine whether to allow an HIV-positive child to attend school, and if they do, should the parents of other children be informed?-Should a counselor break confidentiality by disclosing to a wife that her husband is infected with HIV?This collection of original essays carefully examines the difficult moral choices the AIDS pandemic has presented for many professionals-physicians, nurses, dentists, teachers and (...)
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  12.  28
    The Psychoanalysis of Perfectionism.Elliot D. Cohen - 2020 - International Journal of Philosophical Practice 6 (1):15-27.
    This paper sets the framework for a hybrid theory of Logic-Based Therapy and Psychoanalysis through an examination of Sigmund’s Freud’s theory of perfectionism.
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    Introduction.Elliot D. Cohen - 2016 - International Journal of Philosophical Practice 4 (2):1-3.
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    Teaching an Applied Critical Thinking Course.Elliot D. Cohen - 1998 - The Paideia Archive: Twentieth World Congress of Philosophy 43:16-22.
    Encouraging students to apply classroom knowledge in their personal, everyday life is a major problem confronting many teachers of critical thinking. For example, while a student might recognize an ad hominem argument in a classroom exercise, it is quite another thing for him or her to avoid the same in interpersonal relations, say with parents, siblings, and peers. One approach to this problem is the creation of interaction software to which students can turn for input on the rationality of their (...)
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  15.  31
    The Epistemology of Logic-Based Therapy.Elliot D. Cohen - 2019 - International Journal of Philosophical Practice 5 (1):48-61.
    This article describes some core elements of Logic-Based Therapy and Consultation and examines some of their epistemic properties.
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    Introduction.Elliot D. Cohen - 2017 - International Journal of Applied Philosophy 31 (1):1-7.
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    Detecting And Disputing Prejudiced Beliefs Within The Counseling Process.Elliot D. Cohen - 1988 - International Journal of Applied Philosophy 4 (2):31-36.
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    What Else Can You Do With Philosophy Besides Teach?Elliot D. Cohen - 2015 - International Journal of Philosophical Practice 3 (3):31-40.
    This article traces the rise of philosophical counseling in the United States, from its roots in the applied philosophy movement to the establishment of the National Philosophical Counseling Association, including a code of ethical standards for practitioners and a program for certification of philosophical counselors. The article demonstrates, through a brief discussion of the philosophical counseling modality of Logic-Based Therapy (LBT), how individuals who have Masters or Ph.D.’s in philosophy can become certified members of this burgeoning new profession.
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  19.  28
    Counseling Hume.Elliot D. Cohen - 2015 - International Journal of Philosophical Practice 3 (4):28-38.
    David Hume is well known for his philosophical doubts about such things as whether there is an external world beyond our sense perception, and whether there are any rational grounds for believing that the future will resemble the past. But what would it be like to entertain such doubts in the context of one’s everyday life? In this paper, a fictional dialogue is provided in which a descendent of David Hume who brings such skeptical doubts to life, and consequently suffers (...)
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  20.  36
    The Metaphysics of Logic-Based Therapy.Elliot D. Cohen - 2005 - International Journal of Philosophical Practice 3 (1):23-39.
    This article examines four key metaphysical assumptions of LBT regarding human emotions, human fallibility, reality, and human freedom. By way of examining these assumptions it shows how the theory of LBT systematically integrates philosophy and logic into a cognitive-behavioral approach to philosophical practice.
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  21.  34
    Critical Thinking Unleashed.Elliot D. Cohen - 2009 - Rowman & Littlefield Publishers.
    Demonstrating the practical relevance and import of many historically significant philosophers , Critical Thinking Unleashed presents a practical, non-technical, and comprehensive approach to critical thinking. In contrast to other treatments of practical reasoning, Elliot D. Cohen not only teaches students how to identify and refute irrational premises_he also teaches them how to construct rational antidotes to combat the personal, social, and political obstacles they confront in everyday life.
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  22.  63
    Philosophical Issues in Journalism.Elliot D. Cohen (ed.) - 1992 - Oxford University Press.
    Bringing together major writings on a wide range of conceptual issues underlying the theory and practice of journalism, this unique anthology covers topics such as what makes a story newsworthy, journalism and professional ethics, the right of free speech, privacy and news sources, politicsand the power of the press, objectivity and bias, and the education of journalists. Including papers by key contemporary and classical authors such as Walter Lippmann, Joshua Halberstam, Tom L. Beauchamp, Fred Smoller, Edward J. Epstein, Herbert Gans, (...)
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  23.  19
    Philosophy, Counseling, and Psychotherapy.Elliot D. Cohen & . Samuel Zinaich Jr (eds.) - 2013 - Cambridge Scholars.
    Can philosophy help ordinary people confront their personal or interpersonal problems of living? Can it help a couple whose marriage is on the rocks, or someone going through a midlife crisis, or someone depressed over the death of a significant other, or who suffers from anxiety about making a life change? These and many other behavioral and emotional problems are ordinarily referred to psychologists, psychiatrists, clinical social workers, or other mental health specialists. Less mainstream is the possibility of consulting a (...)
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    Sleep Research: Is the Criticism Fair?Elliot D. Weitzman, E. L. Pattullo & Dava Sobel - 1981 - Hastings Center Report 11 (3):42.
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    The Epistemology Of Value.Elliot D. Cohen - unknown
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  26. Reason and experience in Locke's epistemology.Elliot-D. Cohen - 1984 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 45:71-86.
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  27. Philosophical Counseling.Elliot D. Cohen - 1995 - Inquiry: Critical Thinking Across the Disciplines 15 (2):83-90.
  28.  60
    The Virtuous Therapist: Ethical Practice of Counseling & Psychotherapy.Elliot D. Cohen & Gale Spieler Cohen - 1999 - Cengage Learning.
    In The Virtuous Therapist, authors Elliot D. Cohen and Gale Spieler Cohen provide a systematic, philosophical approach to mental health ethics. Their comprehensive model of ethical decision making is developed to a number of difficult ethical problems counselors will experience. The issues raised in the book are timely, ethically engaging, and of practical importance to those working in the field.
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    Review essay / rational police.Elliot D. Cohen - 1990 - Criminal Justice Ethics 9 (2):64-71.
    Edwin J. Delattre, Character and Cops: Ethics in Policing Washington, D.C.: American Enterprise Institute for Public Policy Research, 1989, xviii + 247 pp.
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    Paternalism That Does Not Restrict Individuality.Elliot D. Cohen - 1986 - Social Theory and Practice 12 (3):309-335.
  31.  29
    Logic-Based Therapy and Everyday Emotions: A Case-Based Approach.Elliot D. Cohen - 2016 - Lexington Books.
    This case-based approach to the philosophical practice modality of logic-based therapy demonstrates the utility, versatility, and accessibility of LBT for dealing effectively with the emotions of everyday life, such as anxiety, worry, guilt, anger, and sadness. Through engaging, illustrative case studies, this book serves as a guidebook for philosophical and psychological practitioners, as well as a text for instructors of philosophy and psychotherapy who wish to demonstrate the practical value of philosophy in their respective fields.
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  32. Pure legal advocates and moral agents: Two concepts of a lawyer in an adversary system.Elliot D. Cohen - 1985 - Criminal Justice Ethics 4 (1):38-59.
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  33.  16
    Counselors who teach and teachers who counsel.Elliot D. Cohen - 2001 - In Michael Davis & Andrew Stark (eds.), Conflict of interest in the professions. New York: Oxford University Press. pp. 159.
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    The New Rational Therapy: Thinking Your Way to Serenity, Success, and Profound Happiness.Elliot D. Cohen - 2006 - Jason Aronson.
    Throughout the ages, great thinkers such as Plato, Aristotle, Epicurus, Aquinas,Descartes, Spinoza, Kant, Nietzsche, and many others have had incredibly useful things to say about overcoming the strife of everyday living and attaining happiness. Unfortunately contemporary approaches to psychology have made only limited use of this guidance. At last, here is an uplifting psychology that systematically applies the wisdom of the ages to attaining life pregnant with insight, meaning, value, and purpose. Guided by the vision of great minds, this book (...)
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  35.  71
    Is Perfectionism a Mental Disorder?Elliot D. Cohen - 2012 - International Journal of Applied Philosophy 26 (2):245-252.
    This paper brings to bear empirical evidence from a sample of undergraduate students to show that perfectionism can be a fundamental cognition behind the essential symptoms of some anxiety and mood disorders, notably Generalized Anxiety Disorder and Major Depression; and it suggests that this popular “philosophy of life” may helpfully be used in diagnosing these disorders.
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    Permitting Suicide of Competent Clients in Counseling Legal and Moral Considerations.Elliot D. Cohen - 2000 - International Journal of Applied Philosophy 14 (2):259-273.
    State statutes, case law, and professional codes of ethics in the mental health professions typically stress either a duty or the permissibility of disclosing confidential information in order to prevent clients from seriously harming themselves. These sources are intended to address cases where clients are deemed to be suffering from cognitive dysfunction for which paternalistic intervention, including involuntary hospitalization, is considered necessary to prevent self-destructive behavior.The counselor’s moral and legal responsibility is less apparent when mentally competent clients desire suicide as (...)
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    Editor’s Note.Elliot D. Cohen - 2016 - International Journal of Philosophical Practice 4 (1):1-1.
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    Reason and experience in Locke's epistemology.Elliot D. Cohen - 1984 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 45 (1):71-85.
  39.  38
    Can Humans Find Security in Augmented and Virtual Realities?Elliot D. Cohen - 2020 - International Journal of Applied Philosophy 34 (1):31-41.
    Logic-Based Therapy, a mode of philosophical counseling I invented beginning in the mid 1980s, under the auspices of Cognitive Behavior Therapy founder Albert Ellis, takes metaphysical security as a sin qua non for human happiness. The goal of LBT is to help people overcome irrational thinking that leads to metaphysical insecurity and to help build constructive, philosophical thinking that promotes metaphysical security. However, the advent of augmented and digital reality are beginning to present new challenges to obtaining metaphysical security. Applying (...)
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  40.  18
    Philosophers at Work: An Introduction to the Issues and Practical Uses of Philosophy.Elliot D. Cohen - 1989 - Harcourt Brace College Publishers.
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    Albert Ellis’s Philosophical Revolution.Elliot D. Cohen - 2007 - International Journal of Applied Philosophy 21 (2):143-147.
    Albert Ellis is widely recognized as one of the most influential psychologists in the history of psychology. However, his importance as a pioneer of applied philosophy is not as widely acknowledged. This paper, in memoriam, pays tribute to Ellis’s contributions to applied philosophy. In particular it discusses his revolutionarily important applications of philosophy to the field of psychology and briefly discusses his influence on the emerging field of philosophical counseling.
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    Making value judgements: principles of sound reasoning.Elliot D. Cohen - 1985 - Malabar, Fla.: Krieger.
    This text examines the principles of sound reasoning concerning deduction, induction, and observation brought to bear upon the activity of value judgements. It has practical exercises, to aid application, and avoids technical jargon.
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  43.  94
    The New Rational Therapy. [REVIEW]Elliot D. Cohen - 2007 - International Journal of Applied Philosophy 21 (1):135-140.
  44. Three Essays on Journalism and Virtue.G. Stuart Adam, Stephanie Craft & Elliot D. Cohen - 2004 - Journal of Mass Media Ethics 19 (3-4):247-275.
    In these essays, we are concerned with virtue in journalism and the media but are mindful of the tension between the commercial foundations of publishing and broadcasting, on the one hand, and journalism's democratic obligations on the other. Adam outlines, first, a moral vision of journalism focusing on individualistic concepts of authorship and craft. Next, Craft attempts to bridge individual and organizational concerns by examining the obligations of organizations to the individuals working within them. Finally, Cohen discusses the importance of (...)
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  45.  37
    Report Cards.Michael Davis, Christopher Meyers, Lisa H. Newton & Elliot D. Cohen - 2004 - Journal of Mass Media Ethics 19 (3-4):161-165.
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    Books for review and for listing here should be addressed to Emily Zakin, Review Editor, Department of Philosophy, Miami University, Oxford, OH 45056.Louise M. Antony, Norbert Hornstein, Robert W. Bailor, Laurence BonJour, Ernest Sosa, Warren Bourgeois, Sharyn Clough, Elliot D. Cohen, Ronald F. Duska & Brenda Shay - 2003 - Teaching Philosophy 26 (3):331.
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    A comparison of various analytic choice principles.Paul-Elliot Anglès D’Auriac & Takayuki Kihara - 2021 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 86 (4):1452-1485.
    We investigate computability theoretic and descriptive set theoretic contents of various kinds of analytic choice principles by performing a detailed analysis of the Medvedev lattice of $\Sigma ^1_1$ -closed sets. Among others, we solve an open problem on the Weihrauch degree of the parallelization of the $\Sigma ^1_1$ -choice principle on the integers. Harrington’s unpublished result on a jump hierarchy along a pseudo-well-ordering plays a key role in solving this problem.
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    A perfect storm: examining the synergistic effects of negative and positive emotional instability on promoting weight loss activities in anorexia nervosa.Edward A. Selby, Talea Cornelius, Kara B. Fehling, Amy Kranzler, Emily A. Panza, Jason M. Lavender, Stephen A. Wonderlich, Ross D. Crosby, Scott G. Engel, James E. Mitchell, Scott J. Crow, Carol B. Peterson & Daniel Le Grange - 2015 - Frontiers in Psychology 6.
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    Carlson-Simpson's lemma and applications in reverse mathematics.Paul-Elliot Angles D'Auriac, Lu Liu, Bastien Mignoty & Ludovic Patey - 2023 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 174 (9):103287.
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    Mystical Prayer in Ancient Judaism: An Analysis of Maʿaseh MerkavahMystical Prayer in Ancient Judaism: An Analysis of Maaseh Merkavah.Elliot R. Wolfson & Michael D. Swartz - 1995 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 115 (2):321.
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